Keyboard Shortcuts¶
If you often find yourself using the mouse to change the current tool you are using, you might be able to speed up the process by memorizing a few keyboard shortcuts. If you forget which key goes to which function, take a look at the menus.
Don't like a particular shortcut, or wish a menu item had one? You can change or add shortcuts via the Keyboard System Settings, under the "Application Shortcuts" section which you can read more about from Apple.
Move | V | |
Zoom | Z | |
Crop | C | |
Pan | H | |
Rectangular select | M | |
Elliptical select | Shift-M | β§M |
Free select | Shift-M | β§M |
Polygonal select | Shift-M | β§M |
Magic wand select | W | |
Instant alpha | E | |
Paint | B | |
Pencil | N | |
Flood fill/paint bucket | K | |
Eraser | E | |
Clone | Shift-O | β§O |
Smudge | Shift-O | β§O |
Dodge | Shift-O | β§O |
Burn | Shift-O | β§O |
Gradient | G | |
Text | T | |
Circle text | TT | |
Path text | TTT | |
BΓ©zier pen | P | |
BΓ©zier freehand | ||
BΓ©zier anchor select | A | |
Reset bΓ©zier control points | Shift-C | β§C |
Line shape | Semi-colon | ; |
Rectangle shape | R | |
Oval shape | O | |
Pick color | Control-C | ^C |
Drawing & Color
Pick color | Control-C | ^C |
Reset colors | D | |
Swap colors | X | |
Increase brush size | Option-Control-Right drag or Right bracket | ] |
Decrease brush size | Option-Control-Left drag or Left bracket | [ |
Paint straight lines | Shift-click | |
Convert brush to eraser | Option-Command-drag | |
Toggle fill for a shape | β§F | |
Toggle stroke for a shape | β§B | |
Color profile | β§βK |
New layer | Command-N | βN |
New layer with selection | Command-J | βJ |
New layer with cut selection | Shift-Command-J | β§βJ |
New shape layer | Option-Shift-Command-N | β₯β§βN |
New group layer | Command-G | βG |
Ungroup layer | Shift-Command-G | β§βG |
Delete layer | Control-Command-Minus | ^β- |
Hide layer | Control-Shift-Command-H | ^β§βH |
Lock layer | Option-Command-L | β₯βL |
Duplicate layer | Shift-Command-D | β§βD |
Bring to front | Shift-Command-Right Bracket | β§β] |
Bring forward | Option-Command-Right Bracket | β₯β] |
Send backward | Option-Command-Left Bracket | β₯β[ |
Send to back | Shift-Command-Left Bracket | β§β[ |
Merge down | Command-E | βE |
Merge visible | Shift-Command-E | β§βE |
Merge visible to new layer | Option-Shift-Command-E | β₯β§βE |
Select next layer | Option-Right Bracket | β₯] |
Select previous layer | Option-Left Bracket | β₯[ |
Cycle transparency | Single Digit Numbers | 0,1-9 |
Delete contents of layer | Delete Key | β« |
Scale and rotate | Command-T | βT |
Perspective transform | Shift-Command-T | β§βT |
Hide other layers | Option-click layer visibility icon |
Zoom in | Command-Plus | β+ |
Zoom out | Command-Minus | β- |
100% zoom | Command-1 | β1 |
200% zoom | Command-2 | β2 |
400% zoom | Command-3 | β3 |
800% & 3500% toggle | Command-4 | β4 |
50% & 25% toggle | Command-5 | β5 |
Fit image in window | Command-0 | β0 |
Full screen toggle | F | F |
Zoom in/out | Option-Mouse scroll | |
Zoom window | Command-Forward slash | β/ |
Zoom all windows | Option-Command-Forward slash | β₯β/ |
Show/hide palettes | Tab | Tab |
Gather palettes | Control-Command-Backslash | ^β\ |
Colors palette | Shift-Command-C | β§βC |
Filters Palette | Shift-Command-F | β§βF |
Create new file | Command-N | βN |
New from clipboard | Option-Command-N | β₯βN |
Open existing file | Command-O | βO |
Open folder | Shift-Command-O | β§βO |
Open Settings | Command-Comma | β, |
Close image | Command-W | βW |
Close all images | Option-Command-W | β₯βW |
Save image | Command-S | βS |
Save image as | Shift-Command-S | β§βS |
Export image | Option-Command-S | β₯βS |
Web export image | Option-Shift-Command-S | β₯β§βS |
File info | Option-Shift-Command-I | β₯β§βI |
Minimize window | Command-M | βM |
Minimize all windows | Option-Command-M | β₯βM |
Hide Acorn | Command-H | βH |
Hide others | Option-Command-H | β₯βH |
Quit Acorn | Command-Q | βQ |
Command-P | βP | |
Page setup | Shift-Command-P | β§βP |
Cycle through windows | Command-Grave Accent | β` |
Cycle through tabs | Control-TAB | ^β₯ |
Make new image from screenshot | Shift-Command-6 | β§β6 |
Rectangular | M | |
Elliptical | Shift-M | βM, S |
Free select | Shift-M | βM, S, L |
Polygonal | Shift-M | βM, S, L |
Magic wand | W | |
Select all | Command-A | βA |
Clear selection | Command-D | βD |
Hide selection | Control-Command-H | ^βH |
Quick mask mode | Q | Q |
Inverse selection | Shift-Command-I | β§βI |
View selection as marching.. | Command-Backslash | β\ |
Select next shape | Control-Command-Right bracket | ^β] |
Select previous shape | Control-Command-Left bracket | ^β[ |
Copy | Command-C | βC |
Cut | Command-X | βX |
Paste | Command-V | βV |
Add to selection | Hold Shift key as you drag | |
Subtract from selection | Hold Option-Shift keys as you drag | |
Constrain to circle/square | Shift-drag after starting selection | β§ Drag |
Reposition origin while drawing | Spacebar-drag | |
Grow selection from middle | Option-drag after starting selection | |
Selection from layer | Double-click layer thumbnail image | |
Trim out selection | Control-Option-Command-T | ^β₯βT |
Grow selection by 1 pixel | Option-Arrow key | |
Grow selection by 10 pixels | Option-Shift-Arrow key | |
Move selection | Move tool or Arrow keys | |
Copy and move selection | Option-Command drag | |
Paste into | Shift-Command-V | β§βV |
Quick mask mode | Q |
Marque / Selection / Lasso (M/S/L) M selects the rectangular selection tool. Pressing shift-m or s multiple times will cycle through the rect, oval, free select, polygonal, and magic wand selection tools. Pressing L will toggle the free select and polygonal selection tools.
Undo last action | Command-Z | βZ |
Redo last action | Shift-Command-Z | β§βZ |
Cancel operation | Escape key | ESC |
Fill with front color well | Option-Delete | β₯ β« |
Fill with back color well | Option-Shift-Delete | β₯β§β« |
Fill panel | Shift-Delete | β§β« |
Delete layer contents | Delete | β« |
Resize image | Option-Command-I | β₯βI |
Resize canvas | Option-Command-C | β₯βC |
Rotate canvas 90 clockwise | Command-Right Bracket | β] |
Rotate " " counterclockwise | Command-Left Bracket | β[ |
Crop | Option-Command-K | β₯βK |
Trim to Edges | Control-Command-T | ^βT |
Last filter | Command-F | βF |
Levels | Command-L | βL |
Auto-levels | Shift-Command-L | β§βL |
Curves | Shift-Command-M | β§βM |
Rulers, Guides, & Grids
Show ruler | Command-R | βR |
Toggle guides | Option-Command-Semicolon | β₯β; |
Toggle grid | Command-Apostrophe | ββ |
Draw shape vectors/view shape outlines | Command-Y | βY |
New shape layer | Option-Shift-Command-N | β₯β§βN |
Bring to front | Shift-Command-Up Arrow | β§β β |
Bring forward | Command-Up Arrow | β β |
Send backward | Command-Down Arrow | ββ |
Send to back | Shift-Command-Down Arrow | β§β β |
Select next shape | Control-Command-Right Bracket | ^β] |
Select previous shape | Control-Command-Left Bracket | ^β[ |
Toggle fill for selected shape | Shift-F | β§F |
Toggle stroke for selected shape | Shift-B | β§B |
Text tool | T | |
Move tool | V | |
Bold | Command-B | βB |
Italic | Command-I | βI |
Underline | Command-U | βU |
Bigger | Command-Greater Than | β> |
Smaller | Command-Lesser Than | β< |
Tighten kerning | Option-Command-Left Arrow | β₯ββ |
Tigthen kerning 10x | Option-Shift-Command-Left Arrow | β₯β§ββ |
Loosen kerning | Option-Command-Right Arrow | β₯ββ |
Loosen kerning 10x | Option-Shift-Command-Right Arrow | β₯β§ββ |
Center text | Command-Bar | β| |
Spelling | Command-Colon | β: |
Check spelling | Command-Semicolon | β; |
Emoji & symboles | Control-Command-Spacebar | ^β Spacebar |
β | Command Key |
^ | Control Key |
β₯ | Option Key |
β§ | Shift Key |